Creating Meaning

 LO: To analyse texts using the correct terminology      Thursday 23rd September              


Subject position:

our subject position is everything thats goes to makeup what we are and where we fit in the world

My subject position is 13 year old, white, straight, female, 5.5 feet, born in cornwall then moved to london for 7 years then moved back to cornwall

Magazine cover:

When people see this cover they ever think i love trump and i'm happy that he's president and i like this magazine company even more and i want to buy more of what they produce.

And if u dont like donald trump that much and you sore this magazine you would be really annoyed that he's president and now you might not want to buy another of these magazines cause they look like they support donald trump and his actions.

Denotation: The dictionary definition

Connotation: The deeper meaning-what we associate with the word

1. this Denotes a gun what is a metal weapon that has bullets in it and is used to shoot. This connotes death and pain danger and blood 

2. this denotes a clown that is used at parties as a funny act. This connotes,killer, funny, scary, phobia ,red nose, wig, paint and creepy

3. this denotes Thor who is a superhero who is a greek god. This connotes Red, violence, death, strong , angry, attack, superhero and power

Thursday 30th September:

This movie (James Bond no time to die) 
by its name to can tell that its probably

a action movie and it is about a adventure where they cant die. Looking at the movie poster you can also tell that there are guns , and a person who looks like they have a scar, what is maybe a sign that there a bad guy. Then you see a man in the center of the screen who is probably the main character and maybe because he has everyone on his back in light that might mean his past,  maybe his past is coming back to haunt him and a lot of stuff is about to go down, because as you can see on his back there's a lot of caos there's fires, explosions, guns and helicopters.




  1. Great analysis but you need to tell how you got there? Which elements had which connotations?


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