Lights Camera Action

 Lights Camera Action    Monday 20th September

Disney Film Anagrams:

 1                           2: Little Mermaid         3:                      4                 5: Snow white and the five dwarfs    

6                            7: Aladin                              8:  Tarzan               9:                             10: Lion King 

Spider man Far from home:

Spider man far from home is directed by Jon Watts and written by Chris McKenna.It was produced by Kevin Feige, Amy Pascal and Victoria Alonso. The production companies in this film is Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, c

 What Happens in the beginning,middle and at the end of the story: It stats in Spidermans home town in america and then the middle part him and his classmates go on a trip to venice (Italy) and then a creature attacks them and in the end his friend Mj finds out he is spiderman and then he gets in a relationship wit mj

What are the most important things: That monsters attack but spider man saves the day he gets with Mj and Mysterio is actually a bad guy    

How would the story change if events happened in different order: It wouldn't make sense if it was in a different order because if he saves the day and then the monsters aren't dead t wouldn't work and if he got with Mj at the begging and not the end it wouldn't make it as impactful 

How do we know where the story takes place: It takes place in a mixture of places but when they are in a different place they right where they are on the screen 

Who or what is the story about: The story is about a boy in highschool called Petter Parker who is secretly spiderman and he goes on a school trip and monsters attack and then this girl mj find out that he is spiderman and then they start to date.

How long does the story take in real time: 


• Equilibrium 

• Disruption

• Recognition of disruption

• Attempt to solve disruption 


(Equilibrium) Spiderman and his school frinds go to Venice on a school trip

(Disruption) When creatures arrive and start to attack

(Recognition of disruption) When spiderman finds out and starts to fight it

(Attempt to solve disruption) Tries to find out cause of monsters 

(Equilibrium) He finds out its Mysterio's fault and gets rid of all the monsters and Mysterio 

LO:to explore the use of characterisation in a film                                        monday 4th october   Characterization

4. Tom cruise 

5. Jennifer Aniston 

10. Drew Barrymore 

11. Daniel Radcliffe 

12. Bruce wayne 

Case study characters

Protagonist (hero) = Spiderman 

Antagonist (villain) = Mysterio

Sidekick = Ned Leeds 

Main character (protagonist) is Peter Parker who is played by Tom Holland. Peter Parker is secretly Spiderman and he goes on missions to save the world,Peter Parker is 16 years old and he doesn't have a job.

The villain(Antagonist) is called Mysterio and he acts good in the start ut as the movie goes on he actually becomes evil and tries to take down Spiderman

The story is about Spiderman and how he tries to save the world and how he also has a love interest (mj) and that they go on a school trip together

The main character has brown hair brown eyes and is about 5.9feet 

Maybe that they are nice and not really a bad boy because he's not that popular

Peter Parker speaks american and speaks quite a lot

he is very nice and nice to other sand he doesn't act ad and doesn't break rules and he is really smart and does a lot of science and science fairs 

none of them have particular sound or music but Spider Man when he's swinging on his webs normally have a dramatic theme song thats intent to say that he is probably going to battle 
if another character was taken away it wouldn't really feel as good and complete and if they added another character it might feel bit to much and that there's to many or maybe it would be cool if they added another villain so Mysterio would have a sidekick but then if that happened he might of had more of a chance and then spiderman could be dead what isn't good for the rest of the films and if the main character dies that wouldn't  make u want to watch the other movies cause it would be boring without spiderman 

Character types: 

The hero           The princess          The villain        The dispatcher        

The donor             The father           The helper        The false hero

The Donor: Gives the hero something special (power/weapon/wisdom etc) enables hero to complete quest 

The Helper: supports hero(sidekick) appears at critical moments their limitations help define the hero

The princess: Can take two forms: the object sought by the hero or the reward 

The dispatcher: sends hero on the mission(can be combined with another role).

The princess father: Gives task to the hero authority figure protective over princes (doesn't have to be her biological father) 

The Donor/ Spider      The helper/ Ned Leed         The princess/ MJ

The false hero/ Mysterio         The dispatcher/ Myste

Monday 18th October

Do Now 

1. A protagonist is the main character like in James Bond the protagonist would be      James Bond.

2. A antagonist would be the villain such as in the movie lion king Scar would be           the antagonist 

3. A sidekick is the helper to the protagonist and helps them such as Batman's sidekick would be Robin 


Genre is the term for any category or literature or entertainment, based on a set of common convention

Genre:                   convention:                                                 example: 

Science fiction        New technology the future time travel,space       Star Trek

Horror                    Knifes,blood,murder,creepy,scary                    annabelle, IT

Action                    Fast cars,shooting,dodging,tense music            James Bond

Musical                  Dancing,singing,romance                          High school musical

Comedy                 Laughing,fun,funny,happiness                          inbetweeners

Romcom                Fun,love,fighting,happiness,sad                17 again,about time

             Genre: Romcom                        Title: Welcome to my future

Equilibrium: she is at home with her mum and dad in england  

Disruption:She doesn't want to be a lawyer like all her family but her family really want her to so she makes a deal that if she can have one year of of lawyer school  and move to america then she will come back and start to train again.

Recognition of disruption:When she gets to america she meets a boy that's going college and then she starts to hang out with him and they like each other and then he tells him that she only has a few more months here and that she has to go back to england to go lawyer school. 

Attempt to solve disruption:She begs her mum if she can stay and not go lawyer school so she can go to college and train as a scientist and she can stay with the boy she loves. 

New equilibrium:her mum finally approves and then it flashes five years from now and she's married with the boy with a kid and a very famous scientist.

Protagonist: Elizabeth=The girl who moved to america and is the main character

Antagonist: Mum and Dad=parents of the protagonist and are trying to force her to be a lawyer.

Sidekick: jake=The main characters boyfriend 

LO: To explore the use of camerawork in films    Monday 8th November

Monday 17th January 2022          Sound in film

LO: To explore the use of sound in films

1) A horror movie/ Screams, creaks, scary music.

2) An action movie/ crashes, gunshots, fighting sounds, wheel spinning

3) A thriller/ suspence music, slams. 

4) A comedy film/ laughter, upbeat music. 

5) A science fiction film/ alien sounds, explosions, beeping


sounds you would hear if you were in the scene eg someone speaking , footsteps , music on a radio.


sounds that only the audience can hear eg narration, internal dialogue, music 

The Matrix


non diegetic-music-drums


Foley is when the movie is focusing on the dialogue so the sounds are really the focus so the foley people make the sounds like footsteps they will try different shoes on till they get the right one that matches with the person and if they are walking on dirt they might walk on some leaves


mum talking, shooting,panting,sliding,breathing,door opening,blinds opening,clinking, 


1) There is music in the trailer

2) The music makes me feel quite on edge 

3) When something eventval happened the beat drops or got higher pitch 

4) Something dramatic

5) no

6) sometimes in the music but the dialogue is still happening

7) they sound like normal when they speak

8) they would speak when the music has tension or silent

9) yes i can hear explosions and gunshots and more

10) yes i think they have some sounds louder to make it more dramatic and if            they are focusing on a certain object


i would make crashing noises for the alien knocking over stuff and then i would do a high pitch sound for the alien talking and when he vanishes i would use a sound that sounds like wind going threw the air swirling around. 


LO: To explore the use of Mise-en-scene in films 

Monday 31st January 2022

Mise-en-scene is made up of five areas

1) Settings and props 

2) costume hair and makeup

3) Facial expressions and body language 

4) lighting and colour

5) position of characters/objects within the frame (blocking)

Setting and props 

settings and locations play an important part in film-making and are not just backgrounds

sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent to find a setting which already exists

settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a different turn

1) A science fiction film

i would think the setting would be somewhere not in this world maybe like the moon or a different planet maybe a lab. I would expect to see a spaceship as prop and new technology

2) A romantic comedy 

I would expect the setting to be placed in a small town or busy city. The props i would think some flowers and chocolates maybe something funny for a joke could be a ring as a prop

3) A horror film

It would probably be set somewhere scary and old like a old town or house. The props could be like blood and fake ghosts and old creaky house, knife and old things 

1) The fist one suggest that it might be based in a different timeline cause the clothes look quite old fashioned and it kinda looks like he's going on a adventure because he has a bag and a hat

2) The second one suggest that they are quite dramatic because there top says that and there wearing a lot of pink so she's over the top and looks preppy and that this is based early 2000s because that was the style back then and that she probably american

3) The third one suggests that they are sad because of his facial expressions and that he might be poor because of his cloths and his hair looking scruffy so that suggest he doesn't take much care in his appearance 

1) From the first one i get scary vibes because they are all staring at echoer and i feel like something bad is about to happen also because the one in the middle looks more scary and looks like she's annoyed so she might do something

2) From this second one its giving dance battle vibes because it looks like he's got a team of people and there are staring at other people and there facial expressions look quite competitive so that also might suggest that or that there having a actual fight

There are two main types of lighting 

Low key lighting 

Produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas 

deep distinct shadows

High key lighting

lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes 

produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day

The lighting and colour suggest that this is quite a eerie scene thats suspenseful because there's a glimpse of light but its kind of a green colour

1) In the first picture they are both crossed arms what means they are angry and they are far a part so that means that they don't want to be close together because they have maybe had a fight or they want to get divorced

2) In this one they look like they are friends and they are working together in a job because they have the same suits and they both look like agents because they have guns and suits and they look rich

Monday 14th February 2022    

LO: To experiment with foley and sound effects

1) The settings and props tell us that this isn't set now but in the past because there are candles instead of light bulbs and they are wearing old outfits and holding muskets. It also makes us think this is quite a rich set because there are golden chaires and nice food and walls.

2) The costume, hair and make up suggests that the one is a pirate by looking at his hat and the people next to him are some sort of rich guards because they are wearing gold outfits that look like velvet. 

3) The facial expressions and body suggests that the people at the side are angry and very serious by the way they are standing and by their facial expressions and not smiling then the one in the middle looks kinda worried by how his facial expression is. 

4) The lighting and colour suggests that its in quite a bright room so it's in the day and they wanted this scene to be captured by the camera quite brightly.

5) The positioning of the characters/objects within the frame makes me think that they all need to be seen and they positioned it to look like they are looking at something and they are in front of somebody.

Get Creative

Mise-en-scene is the settings, props, background, lighting, hair and makeup that makes up a scene. It can be diegetic or non-diegetic 

Beeping, swooshes, injecting, bangs, presses of buttons.

Setting: Space/spaceship

Props: lab, lab coat, injection, holograms, contraptions 

Hair and makeup: a lot of weird styles and makeup

Video clip

 dialogue, zipping, water, breathing, rustling, video games, clicking, getting up, brushing teeth footsteps, opening draw, jam being spread, mirror squeaking.

Task 2

Door closing or opening, footsteps, creaking chair, floorboards, mouse click/keyboard, paper rustling, feet stomping.

Monday 7th March 2022 

LO:To explore the disaster movie genre      Disaster movies



3.The impossible 



Greenland/ is when there are asteroids coming down on earth and this family only have a few days left do they have to try and find the bunkers and it was hard journey to get there so i would say the genre is adventure and disaster

Everest/ Is a true story about these climbers going to climb Everest thinking it's gonna be a fun time and can be proud of themself for doing it but when they get up there they all start to get frostbite and a lot of stuff go bad like they don't have much oxygen left and a lot of them die and the ones that survived had frostbite and injuries

Jurassic world/ When they start a theme park with real dinosaurs and everything is going fine till the dinosaurs start to rebel and escape and start attacking the whole theme park so they got to get everyone out of there before it is to late.

1.some of them are groups but in Greenland its a male main character

2.In Greenland it involves his main character taking his family members to safety

3. Everest falls into disaster. Greenland falls into the category climate disaster. Jurassic world falls into epidemic.

4.Greenland and Jurassic world end with the main characters surviving but everest a lot of them dies and only a few survived

5. Greenland involves traveling to safety and the bunker. Everest involves travelling up and down the mountain. Jurassic world involves travel when they need to get out of the theme park.

6. The films have the same thing that they both need to try and survive and get out of the situation they are in by either tyna escape or attack the problem 

1.,Main character/ Joseph Morgan and Leonardo Dicaprio 

2, A virus has gone round where everyone is turning into vampires and the two brothers joseph and Leo have to stop this and save the day 


Monday 21st March 2022

LO: To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie


Jurassic world.

There is a dinosaur park for dinosaurs and you can see them but then they all escape. Owen/claire

The Tunnel:

Set in Norway,mountains,quiet/trapped need rescue/Darkness,dull,cold/

The impossible:

Setting: paradise-island

Actions: searching for family

Props: water, destroyed buildings

colour: blue,brown,yellow

Narrative: finding his family and the aftermath of the tsunami

Ad Astra:

Characters: space crew

setting: space,another planet

Actions: Explosions

Props: spaceship, space suite

Colour: Orange,white,black,red,silver

Narrative: There is a threat to life and solar system has to find and destroy threat

My movie:


Characters: two brothers Leo and Joseph. Leo and joseph have had a fight and not talked since so Leo has to find joseph to stop this vampire virus becuase it all rests in their hands

Setting: its set in 2010 in Virginia America

Narrative: There dad was tryna find a cure to save his brother who got turned into a vampire but tryna do that when there scientist dad injected him of what he thought was a cure his brother attacked him and turned feral and started to bite everyone now most of the world has been turned into vampires and a wild species of them so now the government has contacted leo and joseph to stop his father's work because there the only ones that new him properly and where he worked but joseph since there brothers fight went of to live in a abboned part of texas so no one could find him but leo couldn't do this without him so he went on a search for his brother and found him in a bar and told him about what happened with his dad then they go on a mission first they go to his house to try and find him but as expected there dad was killed by his the vampire he made worse so then they don't know how to stop this so the only way is as there dad who used to be a vampire taught them they must hunt them if u cant save them so leo and joseph get there stakes and go around Virginia killing vampires until near the end joseph's and leo's mum who lived more in the city was turned so they had to finally kill her to get rid of this virus once and for all this story is a thriller,action and comedy for certain parts. The message behind this movie is family being brought together, and blood is quicker than water

Monday 16th May                Script writing and storyboarding







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