Theoretical Framework

 Theoretical Framework   Thursday 30th September 2021

LO: to apply the theoretical Framework to media texts/

Media Language is :

All the different elements used to construct any media product.

Camera work-shot type angle and movement:

Establishing shot/shows where the scene takes place.

Wide shot/wide shot places people in the scene 

Long shot/the shot shows the full body of the character the camera is on

Medium long shot/you can see from there head to lower thigh  

Medium shot/above the waist and finishes at head

Medium close up/from mid chest to just above head

Close up/at eye level and can see face you can see the characters motions as well

Extreme close up shot/can only see eyes not the rest of the face 

Camera angle:

High angle is when the camera is high up and it normally shows weakness or vulnerability and when the camera is low it might show strength and power/authority 

Sound track:

includes all sound heard in a film/tv show/Music/sound effects/dialogue/voiceover

Diegetic/is when you can hear the sounds and the peiple in the movie/show your watching can to 

Non diegetic/when we can hear it as the audience but the people in the show/movie can't.

the Diegetic sounds where the punching/slapping/trying to stab/the table being crushed/glass shattering/and the gunshots

Non digenic scenes are when the music was playing for suspense but the people in the movie couldn't hear it it was put over the top for a affect 

Mise-en-scene- what is included: 

Costume/props/setting/hair and makeup/lighting/actor positioning/body language and facial expression. 


includes all the post production work on a moving image

Transitions/pace and speed of cuts/cgi/green screening/graphics 


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