Disaster Movie

Monday 21st March 2021


This disaster movie has two main characters Jack and Rose. Rose comes from a rich family and jack is kinda poor this movie is based on a true story and is set in 1912. Because Jack is poor he wins his ticket of a gambling thing with friends and because he is poor he sleeps on the worse part of the ship. Rose doesn't like her finance so she doesn't want to live anymore so she goes at the edge of the boat to jump but then jack saves her that’s how they first meet. there relationship is getting stronger and they finally get together but then as soon as there happy something happens the ship crashes everyone is so worried and there is only a certain amount of ships Jack and rose get split up with everyone tryna escape so when they are apart Rose evil boyfriend tries to kill jack but then he escapes and finds his way to rose . Rose is about to board the ship but because JAck is a man and poor he’s not aloud on so rose gets if the boat at the last Minute because she doesn't want to leave jack but now they got nothing to go on and the boat is about to fully sink so they jump into the water with there life jackets there is a painting in the water so jack finds rose and puts her on it he know there’s only enough room for one but the water is freezing but he still lets rose on it rose cries when she finds out jack is dead but then we skip forward 30. Ish years and we can see rose telling her story of the titanic and Jack


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