Media Language Analysis

 7th October 2021    LO: to analyse a media text using media language

Media Language analysis:

This shot type is a medium long shot and i think they chosen this shot type so you can see his facial expression promontory and you can also see his gun and holster and that he's wearing all black underneath so he doesn't look like a cowboy and he looks more modern like a assassin and if they did something like a mid shot you wouldn't be able to see his gun so you wouldn't think the movie is about action and assassins so you might not want to watch it and if they did a long shot you wouldn't be able to see his face and it would be to far away to see his facial expression.

This movie poster makes us feel that the character in the center is a very cold and serious person because of the background and his facial expression. What he's wearing makes me feel that he is maybe a very rich assassin. Because of his gun, and that he's wearing black and his cloths look very rich and posh then seeing his watch it looks very expensive and because he looks like a assassin we might link his watch to being a weapon so it might have a built in gadget in it also his gloves ands to us thinking that he is a assassin so that if he kills anyone he doesn't leave any evidence like fingerprints and doesn't get any blood on his hands. Also linking back to the background seeing that there are numbers that say 007 maybe mean that that's his number in his assassin company and that's what people may call him or maybe those numbers have a deeper meaning.

Diegetic sounds:

.car driving engine/they kept this sound in the trailer to make it seem like a exiting and suspense car chase so the engine being loud makes it seem really fast that the cars are going 

.shooting/They kept this sound in the trailer so you can tell that it is a very action pact movie and that it links to the assassin part and spy's and stuff like that 

.explosion/ They kept this in the trailer so it would seem very exciting and that there are big explosions

.car crashing/ They kept this in the trailer to make you feel scared and suspsefull  and make it feel really tense if there is a car chase and then there are cars  crashing


They used loads of transitions in the trailer they used a transition where it fades to black and at the start they use the transition slow and as the trailer goes on and it builds up the tension and suspense and then near the end it gets faster near the end cause its really tense and that makes you want to watch the movie cause it seems really exciting and action pact


The shot used for this movie poster is a mid shot but then at the bottom where the man is walking that is a extra long shot. There cloths feel like it some sort of movie that's like star wars because one looks like there wearing a jedi cape and the people behind him look like there wearing like storm trooper outfits but in black so that's maybe the leader in front and then the people behind are his helpers so these clothing makes us feel that this movie might be like star wars or the same genre as it. The background may suggest that this movie is based in a dessert and that the person on the bottom may be the main character and the person who is up the top in the middle the made him bigger than the rest so that may suggest that he's a big role in the movie and may be the main character as well.   

Thursday 14th October 2021 

 LO: To analyse a media text using media language

in the dune trailer (costume) is used effectively to make us know what the movie is about and when it's set. This movie is a mix between sci fI and action and fantasy the sort of costumes we saw showed us a lot about the movie it looks modern some outfits but then we see non modern cloths as well so this makes us know that it's in a different planet/universe we can see some use swords and there's lasers.

In the Dune trailer (music) is used effectively to add tension for example in the scene where the sand monster comes from underneath the music gets louder and fore higher the director uses this dramatic music. This creates the impression of tension and how as the scene gets really dramatic and we dont know whats gonna happen the music rises in loudness and makes the audience think i dont know whats gonna happen and is the characters going to survive and if the music wasn't there it wouldn't be that scary and you wouldn't be as tensed about the situation that happens in the scene.


In the Venom trailer the camerawork used in this image is a long shot it is when you can see there whole body and not really the background you can see because it is mostly aiming on the person.





  1. This is an excellent first analysis Ruby! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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