
Showing posts from April, 2022

Magazine Front Cover

  Thursday 28th April 2022 LO: To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions Masthead=The writing at the top  Dateline=A line at the top of a magazine showing the date it was published    Main image=A well designed cover that is the vocal point of the magazine  Cover lines=A line of text on the front cover of a magazine briefly describing the  content Main cover lines=Its very large taking up about a quarter of the cover area Bar code/price=Its a 12 digit UPC code that identifies the sale of one title by one publisher  Tagline  I searched gaming magazines they are very bright and stand out because mostly kids so these magazines will appeal to the

News Day evaluation

  LO: to evaluate and review our news day project  Thursday 7th April 2022 We did news report and took part in the BBC young reporter scheme. We worked on a story about seals and the danger there in.                                                                                                                 I most enjoyed the interview  where we ask  the seal lady about marine life The part i least enjoyed was going on camera for the reporting part The skills i have learnt is being better at interviewing and i learnt how to edit it and go onto i movie and be able to edit the interview and reports and put a background. if i was to do this again what i would do differently is maybe come up with some better questions.