Lego Movie

 Thursday 8th September 2022

LO: To understand the narrative and characters in the Lego movie



green lantern

Wonder woman



star wars characters


cloud cuckoo land

wild west

lego city


Theres a average constructor worker (Emmet) who follows all the instructions and then he sees a mysterious person he don't know and then he falls over going to her then he falls on something called the piece of resistance and then Wildstyle was the mysterious person she takes him to this man called virtuous who predicted a prophecy to who ever found the piece of resistance was called the special one and had to destroy lord business's plans and then they went to coo coo land to get some help to destroy him and then all lord business bad guys came and destroyed coo coo land and captured all the master builders but emmet and all his friends escape and the master builders who escaped all made a plan to destroy his plans and when they got there they got captured and then emmet sacrificed his life to save them so wildstyle and the others sent messages out to save everyone to being glued by Lord Business but in the end it didn't work and they all was about to get glued but what was happening to emmet was that he went into the real world and lord business was actually the dad and he was the evil one then his son put him out into the lego verse again and emmet saved everyone but actually its cause the dad and the son became friends and started sharing the lego.

the main themes of the lego movie is creativity and to believe in yourself because when emmet did believe in himself he was really powerful and another theme was that everyone is special in there own way.

Industry research                

LO:To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

Distribution: refers to the process of distributing a movie to the public, typically to theaters. This is the part of the filmmaking process where the movie can work towards generating revenue. Exhibition: refers to the process of showing movies in theaters to the public.

A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

The BBFC gave The Lego Movie a U rating with the BBFC Insight 'mild fantasy violence and very mild bad language'.

Video games will now be classified by a single authority, the Video Standards Council (VSC), under the Pan-European Games Information (PEGI) system.

Awesome for ages 4 and older.

Lin Pictures were the primary production company on The Lego Movie and Warner Bros. acted as the distributors.

Narrative theory

LO:To explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to the lego movie


The Hero: Emmet

The Villain: Lord business

The Donor: Vitruvius 

The Helper: Wildstyle

The princess: peace of resistance/wildstyle

The Dispatcher: Vitruvius

The princess father: Vitruvius

The False hero: Wildstyle

Vertical integration:

vertical integration is when you have a company that owns loads of other companies and things like cinemas and game companies so what ever profits they make go straight to the company cause its theres and that can use all the other stuff and get 100 percent profit.

two benefits of vertical integration for media companies are, it helps increase profits because instead of paying most of the profit to all these different production companies the one company gets all the money to themself another benefit is that it makes the production process more efficient because instead of waiting for other companies to get things ready they can go at their on pace

Thursday 6th October              Target audience

The movie targets a family audience                                                                      

  • young kids who play with lego-vivid colours,toys coming to life,characters,catchy songs,creating things and using imagination

  • parents who played with it when they was young too-Dark humour,romance,based on the matrix,sends a kind message across to their kid and the actors

  • young adult cinema-goers-Dark humour,superheros,Dc,harry potter,batman,Chris Pratt and Elizabeth banks

  • all genders-


1) Marketing
2)They bought in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller to create a funny film
3)Kids get attached and want to buy the dvd  and rewatch it a lot


1)It explores love and partnership and humanity
2)It makes you ask questions not only about characters but ourselves
3)It knows who there target audience is


Tent pole production is when a film is guaranteed to make a lot of money so the studios can take risks on other little movies or projects that might not guarantee making a lot of money but it doesn't matter cause that tent pole production movie would of got a lot of money 

LO:To explore marketing and promotion of the Lego Movie to link the methods used to the target audience

Sainsburys card
happy meal
a new character poster was released 
lego stores had events
free accessory packs in store after events
video game released before movie
a website to make a lego figure of yourself

because they pay less

at 7:27 pm in the middle of dancing on ice in sunday 9th February the words first add break made entirely of lego launched on itv broadcast

the adds were for British heart foundation,,BT and premier inn

they made an add that was entirely made out of lego and it was really successful by 5 times. and had people searching it up and tweeting about it with 7 million people seeing it threw live and youtube

Because the movie is about lego

watching tv at home

President business saying or you will be put to sleep if you don't follow the instructions

Emmet says wait did he say put to sleep

the rest of the trailer is the attempt to solve the disruption

1) because the attempt to solve is the most exiting part so thats what they want to show not the other parts💙💜💜💙

3) showing us there the good guys 

1)makes us understand whats going on and want to watch it more cause they are being funny
2)makes the movie seem more intense and investing and not boring
3)makes the movie seem more effective and makes it enticing, exiting

1)makes it more exiting and wont get bored easily cause its so short and snappy
2)kids are off half term so more people will watch it 
3)its used at dramatic points so the audience can take in whats happening 

1)it makes the story seem adventurous cause theres different locations
2)its very bright and attracts kids to watch it
3)there personalities and characteristics     

Thursday 10th November 2022

Explain how the Lego Movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences 

They use sound in the lego movie trailer because is makes it so u cant get bored, and its snappy. So its targeted to everyone.

They use editing in The Lego Movie trailer. They make the segments short to hold the attention span of little children. And also they advertise it coming out in the half term so this appeals to adults because then they know theres a good movie to take there kids in the half term.

The Lego Movie video game:

1) TT Fusion

2) Warner Bros

3) 7th February 2014

4) Action adventure

5) Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, Wii U™, 3DS™ and PC.

6) Multiplayer

Harry potter
Star wars 
Lord of the rings

Te benefits is if people enjoyed the game they would watch the movie so thats more money and also making a game gives them more money so if u already have the plot for the movie you might as well make it into a game cause then u dont need to think of story role for the game so its a no brainer

Uses and Gratifications:

Entertainment because without that what's the point of playing cause you get nothing out of it then    

the denotations to this is:

foggy/cloudy backround
building exploding
low shot angle
batman stood infront of evything
Dark setting


possibly an action film
explosions going on in the background and bright red fire burning the building down
the sky is all foggy and cloudy means fire burning in the back
dark coulour pallet connotations to danger
The Lego Movie video game cover is constructed to appeal the younger audience. The bright colours they use and how they have people like Batman in it, a hero. Because little kids will relate to it and want to play it.  Its got Batman
 also, its got loads of cool looking characters, that children could relate to or want to play as. And when Emmet holds the spanner it shows that he builds so it will appeal to children cause they might like the creativity side  that you can build stuff. 

Thursday 24th November 2022

In the LM poster, they have an image of Batman in the foreground this would appeal to parents and kids because batman is a old movie the first ones go back for so parents probably would of watched them when they was younger and it would be nostalgic for them and this character (Batman) would also appeal to the kids because there are new ones out and toys of him so they probably dress up and play eth the merchandise and watch the movies so then the adults and kids will want to watch it cause they can see it has a character they both like in it so that alone will make them want to watch it.

On this LM poster it gives of action adventure vibes because of the facial expressions it looks like emmet is scared and running and wyldstyle and batman are concentrating and looks like bout to go into battle also the fire in the back gives of action genre and how the spaceships in the back look like there chasing them and lord business in the back going after them so i feel like this genre would appeal to teenage boys maybe male adults.

And my last point on the LM poster there is wildstyle and i feel like she brings in the female and teenage audience more for this movie so then a lot more people want to watch this movie because wildstyle seems like and independent girl who is cool so that makes female teenagers appealed and want to watch this movie and it gives off a good stereotype for girls that they can be better than men and we can see that when wildstyle doesn't need instructions to build and is better then emet also the bright colours in the LM poster will attract kids cause it makes it not look boring and appeal to kids because it looks fun.

Thursday 1st December 2022    Representation

LO:To analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign 

THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good attempt but more detail needed GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified many different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used punctuation! POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

1 Katie

in love with Fionnbar Palmer and Paul Wesley (love triangle) 
ginger (disability)
xxxtentatioin stan/juice world

2 caitlin

1) she has long hair with pink in ito0 and makeup and freckles

2)she looks angry and aggressive she is running and looks like ready to fight  and she's wearing like a jumper

3)because it shows you don't have to follow a stereotypical gender category

wildstyle in the Lego Movie trailer is represented as challenging female stereotypes because we see her fighting and building stuff for herself and being the hero

wildstyle in the Lego Movie video game trailer is represented as more of a stereotypical female then in the movies trailer because she is in it less and she is seen as more of a prize and girl like tempting him

old age in the lego movie is represented by having wrinkles or grey hair

9) i feel like in the lego movie they stuck very traditional and stereotypical because in the posters they had emmet in a construction site and wearing a building outfit and for Wildstyle poster she is on a railway track what feels like that means she has to be saved and she's a damsel in distress and in her poster she's got makeup on and has freckles and got pink in her hair but they also went non stereotypical because she is wearing black and then in emmets poster he is screaming and makes him not look like the hero even tho hes the main boy so it switches it up a bit.And then for vitruvius poster he has the typical old hippy wizard sort of stereotype poster he's got gray long hair the band around his head and a long gray beard and then glowing eyes what gives the wizard vibes and then for Lord Business he looks like the classic villain you can guess of because he's got a angry face and the extreme outfit because he's got a big hat.

Tuesday 5th december 


Film- BBFC
tv and radio- OFCOM
adverising- ASA
magazines ad newspapers- IPSO AND IMPRESS
video games- VIDEO STANDARDS

young kids who play with lego
parents of those kids who used to play with lwgo
young cinema goers(15-25)


p ersonal identity/liking a character
i nformation/an understanding
entertaining- it is a actin film and funny so lots going on to entertain the audience.
social interaction- game, and lego cards help to show that you can play with your friends. 

1) genre: action, expoltion,city scape
2)it combines comedy and action

iconography:blue and red flashing lights, helicopters in the sky 

intertexuality batman, super women, green latern, lego ninjago


Lord b+v =old winkles, serious, shouting, 
Wyldstyle= feminine, make up, hair, stereotype followed.
black tracksuit clothes and action fighting in the scenes shows that she breaks sterotypes.
Emmett: young, stereotype worker, manual, negative stereotypes man and boys not intelligent. 

Video game trailer

1 british heaart foundation
3 bt broadband
4 premier inn



  1. Good notes Ruby - but some are missing, please use my blog to catch up with anything missed.


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