Thursday 14th December 2023             TV audiences

LO: to explore how audiences consume tv dramas and the appeals

- Live on tv 

catch up tv 

- laptop, ipad, iphone, sky go 

Theory: the active audience

we are more active as an audience because we havwe more sources to vice are opinions and look for news and things about the world on. 

the watershed: is betwee 9pm and 5.30am*

Thursday 11th January 2024.      The 1960s

Kennedy became the president

first persoon to land on the moon

war in vietnam

computer and wireless phone was invented

kennedy was assassinated

civil rights movement

cold war 

beatles, rolling stones

labour kennedy


cold war vietnam war

race and iquality and teenage being independant

still woouldnt be aloud certaim jobs and still the same rules

birth control

Cold war: 

o college

Thursday 18th January 2024          


2) Mainstream adult audience

3) 7th January 1961

4) 6 series

5)  21st April 1969

6) 56 thousand pound per episode

1) Pattrick-john steed and Julie Allen

shown 9:05 on a saturday night peak time to attract a mass audience

the 4th series attracted audiences of around million 

. The narrative (storyline)

. The characters

. How the episode shows the social and cultural context (the mid 60s) 

. Audience appeal  


Camera work:

shot type

camera movement

camera angle

hand held cam

shallow focus and focus pull

mid shot/


Blocking = where the characters are placed in the scene

 costume and make up the landlord looks very old fashiooned and with the mustache and the way he speaks then we know he used to be in the army so this gives us the set in his way old fahsioned sort of stereotype.


Thursday 7th March 2023     The Avengers exxtract analysis

camerawork sound mise en scene 



the use of the graphic match had the effect of joining two different stories together where steed was and where emma peel is another one is having a jump cut in the action where an action is taking place like when steel and the blacksmiths are having a fight so when you see him hitting him it jumps to the action of where its hitting so a jump cut.

these scenes have a lot of tension and that can be from the music to dramatise it and the scences and their facial expressions add a lot too but one of the main things that helps 6i9s the jump scares to add action and to transform it into a tention action packed show. 

Thursday 21st March 2024.        Television in the 2010s

aired in October 2015 on BBC 1

broadcast 8pm on Wednesday peak viewing time 

the watershed is a time after which was a time they could play anything that was rated 15 or above

Thursday 18th April 2024.     Cuffs and audience appeal

The hero are the police

the villians are the criminals

the donor is cheif super robert vivkers 

the helper is pc jake vickers

the princes is arresting the criminal

the dispatcher is also what i put for the donor 

the princess farther is same as the donor and dispatcher

the false hero is pc jake vickers.

Audience appeals (UANDG):

personal identity because they might inspire to be a police person or because theres a lot of characters they could relate to one of them 

information because if they want to become a police person they could get some kind of idea what its like

entertainment because its a dram and comedy show with lots of action that people will find appealing

social interaction because they can go talk about the show to people that have seen it and have it make conversation starters 

Cuffs and social contexts:

you see it being very even in thhe boy and girl policeman and you see women in the action like when the car came going threw the window of the shop

the change in attitude the episode towards masculinity that is presented in a positvie light is jake saying hes gay

traditional masculine and feminine quality no longer reserved for particular gender in this episode u can see this when the women's aren't with there wife not working cooking for there children they are out in the actions earning a living like jo Moffat or pc donna

Donna is strong and not stereotypical

Thursday 25th April.      Cuffs and social contexts

Jake-him being gay dosent effect his masculinity for example he punches the racist guy and knocks him out what is more a masculinity and man thing to do 

felix-hes presented as a 

Ryan is masculine and feminine cause he is a strong policeman and stuff like that but also doe his daughters hair and feminine stuff like that.

we can see this in the episode when the white policemen and women not of colour are trying to help this racist crime and care about it racism still exists tho as we are seen because theres a group of them and that boy of culture got stabbed because of his race



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