
Tuesday 16th January 2024    Newspaper funding and regulation

1]  Scotts trust

2] cross media converd conglomerate




How does media ownership contribute to news bias?

. Commercial advertising ties

. political opinion of owner

. business interests of owners/ friends

. profit newspapers are not pets design to sale    

The guardian:centre left

russia chuny no news papers

Tuesday 30th January 2024  

1) free press crucial democracy- must be allowed to post whatever they want to

2)  Tapped into people's phones

3) they needed a regulator


For regulation:

newspapers-cant be trusted-e.g phone hacking, protect the public

Against Regulation:

Communication for the public. power to the regulation, avoid censorship


1) scotts trust own the guardian

2) they have a left wing political stance

3) They are self regulated

The observer audience:
mainly 35 plus:

it is 50-50 male and female audiences

They live in london mostly

convergence is where things like newsppers are converted to online and thigns like apps to read becuase the internet progerses to more people would read it if its online

an online observer audience are active

TUESDAY 27TH February 2024.       Hystorical case studies

LO: To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historic contexts on 1960s newspapers

what is typography=

  • the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it.

what is the layout reffering to= where things are and the best places to put them

Tuesday 5th March 2024        1960s

Lack of gender equality.
fear of invasion war-espionage
secretive governments
civil rights movement
vietnam war

Tuesday 12th March 2024

Cold war, Tv news in colour, 

Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published. refer to the observer front page from 1960s that you have studied to support your answer.

the observer cover from the 1960s reflects gender inequality by talking about laundry in the advertisements that are aimed at women and objecting women through the lingerie adverts in the 1960s and sexualising them. All women were seen as were wives not there own people or business people this clearly indicates that in society in the 1960s we saw more gender inequality and sexism newspapers reflect the time of their production and the contextual issues that are in that time. 

Tuesday 19th March 2024

1 alot

Exam format

6) owned by scott trust
funded by, advertisement issue price,subscriptions


broadsheet is more writing less pictures and tabloid is one big pictures or pictures taking up most the  room

7) no access to the internet, pay for a print helps the industry,more environmentally friendly, older generation prefer print

newspapers survive bevvause its something the older generation are used to so stick to it

environmentally friendly
easier to get and see


stertrotype/dominant group= middle ages,male,white,christian,middle class 

the cover of the observer represents two unrepresented social groups the first one is the story about the man telling his story about his family and dark secrets what we don't see when talking about there emotions a lot and they represent this unrepresented in media theme by showing it and the angle type and shot we see of him on the chair with the high angle connotes to him and his venerability then we can see the theme of feminism we can see a strong determined women on the front who looks control and they show this by the midshot and here face expressions and not making the women look belittled but in power and this is a very un represented group in the media in media 

9)   the media language in the exstract 3, the front page of the observer reflects genre conventions by

Tuesday 26rth March 2024        

not much writing mostly pictures

lots of writing 


Guided practice Q9



The media language used in observer cover refelcts the genre conventions of broadsheet newspaper.

image=1 main image,mid shot,Rishi sunak+American politician.

ML-Staged image-press conferance-shaking hands

R-freindship between 2 countries this reinforces the historical frienships

contexts-between the 2 countries since ww1 powerfull

The observer covers refelects

masthead-big,bold,black on white,serif-sophisticated 


The observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper the masthead isn't in red like tabloid an example of this is in the formal mastherhead, it is a black on white serif font that sugests sophistication this clearly indicates that the observer establishes itself as a well known newspaper for more adults and sophisticated people.

L anguage
I ndustries
A udience
R epresentations

Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Progressive and support equality,left wing-liberal, fights for those without power.

mostly writing and less pictures,masthead is black and white-serif font

question 9)


Media language: images,layout,font,text/copy,colour. Genre conventions-type-broadsheet

It looks like a broadsheet: Masthead,text/copy,photo

Not like a broadsheet-skybox:content-fsashion/lifestyle,bright colours.

Media contexts: Gender roles,multiculturalism,lifestyles,democracy/liberal viewpoint,consumerism,celebrity culture

The media language in the observer newspaper reflects a broadsheet because of its media contexts and media language. The observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper an example of this is in the formal masthead it is black and in serif font this clearly indicates that the observer establishes itself as a broadsheet newspaper therefor it is clearly evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper.

the text is very conventionally broadsheet with three written columns and the typography is very small the writing aspect tells us that this newspaper is targeted for older and more educated people who like reading compared to the sun when there is a tiny part of writing and the whole thing is practically a photo

there is a skybox in the observer newspaper and this is conventionally in broadsheet magazines and is informing us about fashion tips and informative information

missing context.

Long shot,posed,red carpet,dress,feminine 

represented a formal, successful and happy via her dress and face 

reflect contexts of the observer,multicultural,gender equality,celeb culture.


  1. 23/4- Great content Ruby, T: focus on context and do a conclusion.


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