Music industry

Monday 12th September 2022

Live Lounge    L.O To research the radio industry

Commercial radio:Commercial broadcasting is the broadcasting of television programs and radio programming by privately owned corporate media, as opposed to state sponsorship. 

Public service Radio:Public broadcasting involves radio, television and other electronic media outlets whose primary mission is public service. Public broadcasters receive funding from diverse sources including license fees, individual contributions, public financing and commercial

PSB= serves the benefit Radio 1 of the public

Commercial= pay=sky Radio adverts=pay for the pirate fm,heart

Commercial radio:

Prior knowledge

 i don't know much prior knowledge

Commercial radio:

prior knowledge

i don't have a prior knowledge

Pirate fm notes:

www. lots of music 

EBI. more adverts there was none

Monday 31st October 2022            BBC Radio and audience 

this says that in the uk the PSB is broadcasting is intended for the public



3)tv licence

4)Commercial Radio


Radio 1)=15-29

Radio 2)=

bright colours and stuff a younger audience would be interested in like the halloween murder mystery and young artists 

The live lounge appeals to the audience and fits to the uses and gratification theory the audience of the radio to the music that is being played and like music the audience 

Monday 23rd March 2024

LO:To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique.

question one



i don't know

i don't know

question 2

entertaining makes you happy and puts you in a good mood it can be relaxing and it provides information

question 3

The producers of radio programes target different audiences (15-29) because they have young dynamic presenters with informal speech they use words like sick to describe performance they also use words like big up and proper good

Monday 27th February 2023 


identify the word that describes a large company which owns a set of companies that produced diffrent media forms. conglomerate

explain one way that radio stations target their audiences. use the radio 1 live lounge as an example in your answer

one way that they target there audience is bringing in a guest as this makes the audience more intrigued and if its a celebrity they know they will want to watch it because its more interesting and they target the audience by bringing in a guest that would taget the age range like they would bring in harry styles but not take that 

BBC radio provides a wider range of content than commercial radio for several reasons 

firstly radio 1 provides

this example is due to the remit and in particular 

we can identify this in the live lounge through02

Tuesday 21st November 2023

1) sign of the type of music 

2) Reference to another media text e.g Lego+Batman

3) type of letters,font,size,serif.

4) suggest meaning

5) words


Music industry

LO: To explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video.

Media languag: text,images,cover lines,colour,composition,layout

1) Shot type close/mid shot

1 person, female,young

revealing cloths, gloves,headress. =wealth and power

2) colour palet, gold/brown,black,yellow,white, saturated.bright, warm positive/happy/replaed

3) layout-organised

4) Type-sans seri, large,lower case-modern clean/ rebelling cause dosent have capitol letter

1) 11 images, main cover image, group-beatles, old, male, suits- power,formal not serious

2) saturated bright multicolours phycodelics, 

The media language in the two magazines are different because in the first magazine it is represented as showing she as like a queen and pop royalty and vey serious and important and sexualises her in some aspect as she is not wearing much cloths but in the other magazine they are wearing suits that go up to there necks so aren't sexualised and gives off a very fun vibe wth the multicolours also showing how in the 60s-70s they was very about pycodelics and things like that and this is kind of what this magazine is based off and gives the formal representation  cause there in suits but also not serous at the same time case they dont look too serious and bright colours they wearing and the magazine is. the shaqura magazine cause of the gold colours give off power and wealth as she looks important aswell and the Beatles magazine does not give off the wealth and power representation too much there more of a fun so inconclution that is how media language and colour in media language is used differently in these dfferent covers.



The connotations of the setting are stranded and sunny

the artist might be singing about being alone

shot type  



extreme c/u

long shot

extreme long shot












hand held



Most common style of camera work. shots are either fixed or handheld (for realism) or have subtle slower movements.


shot name:close shot/POV

why used: to show that she's cool and on tv

why used here:because shes doing an illegal concert and she is on tv

Shot name: extreme long shot

why used: To show that he has no friends and to convince us of his loser roll

why used here: becuas he has no friends and is by himself

shot name: high/long shot

why used: To show that she has lots of fans and shes popular

why used here: to show that they got a concert going on

shot name: mid shot/low

why used: 






 the camera movement in teenage dirtbag is naturlitic

for example at one point in the video it shows them at prom

the cinematic camerwork fits the tone of the song because its in a movie


Music videos         Thursday 26th January 20223

LO:To explore this section of the unit and research chosen case studies


lip syncing




main singer/band

story line that matches

Sk8er Boi/2002/Avril Lavigne/genre:punk rock

Teenage Dirtbag/2000/Wheatus/genre:pop rock

Teenage Dirtbag is about how this boy is like a neek and sees this really popular pretty girl in school that he has a crush on but she's got a popular jerk bf and he just thinks he's a teenage dirtbag who sits in his room and listens to iron maiden so she would never go for someone like him but then it gets to prom night and hes all alone then he sees the girl walking up to him and says she's got two tickets to iron maiden come with me don't say maybe so it shows that in the end she did like him and they actually had stuff in common and she went for someone like him but then he woke up and it was actually all a dream. The main purpose for the music video was to promote the movie and the song in one. The music video is the same to the song

Sk8er Boi is about how this boy back in high school presumably had a crush on this girl who was popular ish and did ballet and he was a skater boy so they was in different cliques but secretly she liked him but wouldn't say and then they never get together and it fast forwards 5 years and she's feeding her baby and she's all alone and then her friends call her to look on tv and she sees the skater boy on MTV on his guitar so then all her friends and her buy tickets to see his show and when they are watching him she's sad about the boy she's turned down and then we find out the singer who's narrating the whole story is actually the skater boys girlfriend and then she starts singing about how good they are and how she made a mistake because he's a super star now. The main reason for the music video to be released was to get another single and to show people she's the same person it wasn't just the one video.The music video is different from the song. 

Thursday 2nd February 2023

LO:To examine the use of media language in music videos 


setting/costume/props/lighting/hair and make-up/colour/performance(positioning,facial expressions,body language)

They have used that costume cause first of all its camo so that gives the impression

The costume is showing wealth because the gold chains and the designer and you can tell whos the main artist in the video 

Taylor uses diamonds and all this rich stuff in the bathtub to promote wealth

The mise-en-scene used in sk8er boi is the skater sort of props and like guitar and spray paint and stuff 

In the music video it gives the typical american high school settings the jocks are wearing letterman jackets and he's on a loser bench with them all calling him a loser

Thursday 9th February 2023    5y5

LO:To examine the use of media language in music videos 

Do Now




they reflect it by making it look more punk rock and skater

they show who Avril is and what she wears and what she likes

Avril Lavigne and her friends are dressed like rockers

this is achieved by using spikey jeawelry and baggy jeans and caps

this could suggest to the audience that that they are young punks and skaters

in Avril Lavigne music video it is set in a big city probably LA

we know this as we are shown shots of buildings and people 

in my opinion the video is set here because the narrative works 


in the music video they use his hat as costume in every scene to make him look like a loser 

they are wearing     

both the music videos use costume and settings effectively because it lets them get there pints across in the loser music video we see him standing out but in a loser way because he has a weird hat on and cloths and think loser and in the Sk8er Boi music video we see skateboards and spikey jewelry and ark makeup and spray paint and they come across as skaters. 

Thursday 9th March 2023

diegetic sound in skater boi those two sounds at realism to the scene  

the videos are both linear 

the video with faster pace and more cuts is sk8er boi and i think this is the case becuase there tryna go for the edgy look and fast rockstar lifestyle

yh teenage dirtbag  has longer shot length and they cut to the beat because its a movie based video so to give it more of a storyline

The pace of the cutting is quite slow to make it that movie esc 

there are a thew cut effects 

they can use a lot of diffrent things in music video and the area of media language used in music videos in genral are

the two videos use editing to difer from each other 

in sk8er boi its been used as a rapid motion ininuating the kinda rockstyle lifestyle becuase the hand held camera ans the quick snipets and how fast the clips are 

in teenage dirtbag the editing is not as fast paced and more like a movie they make the clips longer and add a edit neaar the start with hm being in a dream and sleeping   

Thursday 23rd March 2023     

stereotypes: trophy/female 

objectification: The action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object.

Sexual objectification: Sexual objectification is when a male or  female  views another male or female primarily as an object of sexual desire rather then a person    

Avril Lavigne: she's been represented as naughty and rebellious 

Punk rock genre: its been represented as very rock and vandalism like because there was a lot happening

Teenagers: misseveious causing a lot of trouble

Urban setting: its in like a downtown sort of area that looks busy but not very glamorous

gender: its stereotypical for some parts cause there girls with blond car in a sports car being all girly but then Avril is like the opposite and isn't stereotypical and is a skater and punk

ethnicity: its not very diverse because there in a city and would think be a lot of different ethnicity's but there is barely any different people

sexuality: they show a straight relationship 

The band: they have been represented as like normal people cause there cloths

The male and female protagonists: They have been represented as classic sort of loser then popular girl then she begins to like him sort of stereotypical

Ethnicity: Still majority white and not much diversity

High school: Typical teenage american high school 

Teenage stereotypes: Its very stereotypical in the sense you got the cool kids the jocks the punks the dorks and more

Gender: its stereotypical in this sense as well as the men are all aggressive and protect the girls and act like there there property

Sexuality: just shows a straight relationship 

Thursday 30th March 2023

How is love presented=Love is presented as a clasic highschool love in td and ins  its presented as exiting 

which sexuality is represented=straght in both

how are teenagers represented=there represented as steretypical jocks and like losers in td and in sb they are like rebellious

how are women represented=in sb as cool and rebellious and in td as the prize

how is ethnicity in the us represented=as prodomitary white

how are the artists represented=as quite cool in both

what teenage values are celebrated=being young, free and rebellious 

what stereotypes are used or subverted=in sb the clssic femeale stereotype is challanged 

Thursday 20th April 2023

4 mark question

Compare how gender representations are constructed in music videos.refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer

Sk8er boy and Uptown funk music videos are represented in a different way uptown funk is more stereotypical and shows the girl as a sexual object and a possession an that doesn't happen in sk8er boi

one piece of media language that shows he stereotypical view in uptown funk was when they was all walking past the females and the boys was only looking at them from like the neck down and there body and not there face and seeing them as sexual objects 

the message this is sending to the audience isn't really good and should be more like sk8er boy which doesn't really do that

Explain how stereotypes are used in music videos. refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer 

Music video producers use stereotypes because they are very easy for an audience to recognise and therefor identify characters. in sk8er boi they use the teenage rebel stereotype we see teenagers doing lots of rebellious things like graffitiing walls abseiling down walls and setting up an illegal street concert this shows a lack of respect for rules and fits he rebel stereotype often associated with teenagers. Another stereotype they use is how avril lavigne goes against the classic female stereotype because she skates and isn't the typical girly girl

in teenage dirtbag the video producers use stereotypes to show the classes so there's the popular people and losers and you see this when the losers are by themself and being bullied and by there costume they wear and the popular people are bullying the losers and on like sports team and you can tell my what they wear another stereotype is the girl and that she is seen as a sort of object and you can see this when the jock doesn't really value her but with her cause shes popular and pretty and just has her on his arm.



  1. 12/9- Good work from today, please screen shot your notes from pirate fm and place the image of it on your blog.

  2. 26/9- Absent please read through my blog to catch up on missed work.

  3. 9/1- You were absent for the exam question, please read through my blog and attempt a response using the modelling on my blog to help you.

  4. 6/2- Absent, please attempt the questions for the assessment using my blog.


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