music magazines

 Monday 13th March 2023   The music industry  

LO: To explore the magazine industry ownership,regulation and revenue

Conglomerate: A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

large company owning smaller companies 

Globalised:The production, distribution, and consumption of media products on a global scale, facilitating the exchange and diffusion of ideas cross-culturally.

International product business

diversify:where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms

Variety when a company goes from producing one thing to more media forms 

Whats on tv: time inc,ipc connect 

Radio Times: imediate media company

Tv choice: h bauer publishing

Take a break: baur media group

good housekeeping: heart communication


inside soap:

bauer owns over 80 magazines


Monday 27th march 2023      Music genres 


2) Rock=costume,leather jackets/jackets,Long hair/facial hair

3) Pop=costume,background,bright clothing,makeup,girly,teen look

Rock,country,pop,punk,punk rock,drum and bass,house,rap,drill,dance,emo rap,rnb,garage,church,classical,pop rock,opera,

rock: Ozzy Osbourne, David bowie, Elvis Presley and more 

 pop: beyonce,ed sheeran,taylor swift,little mix,harry styles and more

drum and bass:

Rap: 16 to 34

trap, grime, gangsta rap, rap rock (or nu metal), crunk, chill hop, bounce, mumble rap, Latin hip-hop, and conscious hip-hop.

Justin Beiber pop singer,dancer songwriter he is 29 and released his first song in may 2009 he dresses like a pop star with skinny jeans and jumpers and white t shirts and things like that  he is american and was born in Canada 


Stormzy grime and hip,songwriter and singer he is 29 years old and dresses quite call and rap and hip hop but not too over the top like other rappers and he lives quite a normal life in his songs he raps about al different genres stormzy is from London.

Taylor swift is a pop singer and country singer she is from america and is 33 years old she dresses quite casual but in her music videos quite over the top and very glamourous she sings about love mostly and has a big wide audience 

Monday 24th April 2023  Music Magazines 

LO: To explore the technology and genres of popular music magazines


Typography: Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacing, and letter-spacing, as well as adjusting the space between pairs of letters.

layout:In graphic design, page layout is the arrangement of visual elements on a page. It generally involves organizational principles of composition to achieve specific communication objectives.

lexis: In linguistics, the term lexis designates the complete set of all possible words in a language, or a particular subset of words that are grouped by some specific linguistic criteria.

colour palette:In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in various artistic and design contexts. For example, the "Achromatic" use of a white background with black text is an example of a basic and commonly default color scheme in web design. Color schemes are used to create style and appeal.

Mise-en-scene: Mise-en-scène is the stage design and arrangement of actors in scenes for a theatre or film production, both in visual arts through storyboarding, visual theme, and cinematography, and in narrative storytelling through direction.

Pop\ colour palet pink white red purple typography big bubble writing, mid shots, inspriational

Rock: big bold writing black red white colour palet long shots lexis is confident§


Monday 22nd may 2023    Genre and target audience 

LO: To identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes 

pink,reds  mid shot to medium long shot the typography used is like bubble writing and girly genrally girls 

                        black,red the typography used is big bold writing that is gothic                             like and long shots are used genrally  mostly men but both

red,white,green they use close up shots and use really big bold writing to leave an impression genrally only men

colour palet
music prefence

cover could appeal? 
colour palet
main image
mise en scene

demographics look at the factual data like age,gender,marital status and income

phychographics look at the lifestyles,behaviours and attitudes  

the audience is very active and like to do things and are out there and spontaneous and this shows threw into the magazine because its got the grey scale so it shows serious like they are about there music and it looks like he is actully doing somethig then got a picture taken he is not a poser like other magazines he is most likely doing something and thats what the audience likes then theres the splash of colour red in there to make it more out there and less boring and spontaneous .

Monday 12th June 2023 

1) the red in the kerang magazine represents spotanious and impulse and like danger and adds a edge to it that the readers willmlike and be drawn it and the black and white maks the magazine more serious and important to show the real importance of this magazine and how it is to the readers .

2) they use average colours and nothign to out there to show that this is a everyday magazine and can relate to people and not to out there so that draws a certain type of audience for this specific magazine. 

The font used is a self serif script style type wich could link to the style of music notes with the flicks wich is symbolic of a classical and traditional font style this could attract people who read music this reflects highly educated audiences wich reinforces traditional values of music and making music.

the typography used in this magazine is bold writing in san serif font i think bye using this style it makes this magazine stand out loads and makes it more prominent and bold i think this magazine is really cool as well and adds effect to look cool by having it all in black and white and then the words billboard is white but then has the bit of colour in it and thats one of the main vocal points and adds a lot to this magazine to loose the boring factor the shot type used in this magazine is a close up and i feel like this was a good move to draw attention to drake and just him so zoomed on face for more attention feature and not his body as well because its black and white and more boring.

Monday 26th June 2023       Dirt end of year assessment 

1) Ofcom

     Media language
2) .Mise en scene-setting costume/make up props 
    .Camera-shot, angles, moment .
    .Editing-fade,dissolves, fast paced, slow mo.
    .Sound diegetic- dialogue

2) In sk8er boi they use media language to differ from teenage dirtbag by 

3)producers of radio programes  target different audiences because diffrent music and competitions make money 

on bbc radio 1 live lounge they target there main audience by having younger music that a younger audience would like and the adverts are targeted  

7) to extend marketing of the film  and to strengthen the brand image

personal identitiy
social interation
the lego movie fits through the bloomer and cats theory from personal identification and diffrent chracters

Tuesday 19th September 2023

P- Female role model, sophisticated 
I- Review of music, exclusive interview
E- CD free,music
S- Reviews,Cd

Q2) Two ways that magazines attract their audience is by using a cd to draw them in and keep them entertained and then they use the main cover image star to also draw the audience in cause if there really popular and they like them there more tempted to buy. 2 marks

Music videos

Teenage Dirtbag-

Narative- Linear played by actors.

American school- High school,hallways,stairs.outside places,dance/prom

Rep- School bully,jock, vs nerd/loser, popular girl

Lighting- Natural but inside, dull

Sk8er boi-

Narative- Performance

American city- Urban, Sky scrapers, lots of buildings, Abondoned building

Rep- White, more male surrounding her, friends, Challenge gender stereotyps, she is in charge

Rebbelion- Punk,rock,gothic 

Lighting- Saturated, brighto

these two music videos are diffrent because first of all the location they are set in teenage dirtbag is set in an american highschool more suburb and then sk8er boi is set in an urban setting in a big city

Tuesday 26th September   

LO: To explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques

Do Now:

1) ofcom

2) BBC    



BBC 1 has to provide a wider range of content because they have to meet the remit to get there funding 

the main aims of commercial radio is to make more money and what they do from adverts and attracting bigger audience

one requirement that is needed for bbc radio is having a wide age range as it benefits the public

sheeran is played between the interveiw with holly humble ton this applies the remits point to provide a distinctive mix of contempary music during the episode holly mentioned her personal life moving to london the difficulties and sadnes that brought with it and over coming theses issues. 

Tuesday 10th October 2023           Music idustry

LO: To explore the exam style questioss and practice exam techniques for q4 focusing on media language and representation


1) mise en scene is clothing and makeup and props 

2) editing is how videos are put together

3) camera work is how a videos is recorded camera shots angles and movement

Q4: Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from mojo magazine


how are they shown or presented 

The representations in the mojo magazine cover are that of a musiscian who has had a mysteriouse dark past because the main cover image is black and white what conotes kind of mysterious, serious and old classic and the musician is looking up to the side somewhere what shows that is mysterious and maybe shows he has a past and a dark one  

The representation of age on the mojo cover are that of an older male who is represented as serious abd dangegrous we can see this threw the stance he has and how he looks and standds and the colours blackand white and then the red could conote the danger part aswell and then oon the bottum of the magazine we see a album looking thing that says murder ballads what even more shows the danger and serious part and they have the same colours as the main cover image.


LO: To explore the exam style questions ad practice exam technique for the q5 focusing on media language and representation

1) The camera shot that is used in the main image, long shot, medium shot or close up

2) The design style of the text that is used.

3) the colours that are used throughout the cover

15 marks need a conclusion        

context- What is going on in the world at the time. gender, sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity, consumerism. 

1) clustered

2) this coice of layout conotes that this magazine is not very professional and more like fun and young and alots going on

3) saturated

4) the colours suggest that this magazine is young fun more aimed at girls  

1) this layout to this magazine is ordered

2) this chose of layout conotes that this is a very ordered and protectional stye of magazine 

3) the colour plaet is muted and uses colour like gray and black to show a formal style of the magazine

4) the choices of colour conotes that they are not tryna come across for kids and probably adults and professionals 

1) te magazine fetures mainly san serif fonts but also you can see the use of serif aswell and this choice of fnt conotes 

Tuesday 7th November 2023  

LO: To explore the exam style questions and pactice exam technique for q5 focusing on media language and representaation        

1)  Babyboomer/ person born world war 2 
2)  Diversification/ the pocess of varying poducts
3)  Ausience adress/ How the text speaks to the audience
4)  Discerninng/ Having or showing good judjement
5)  House style/ A companies style



Life at the time.

changes in gender roles-more equality.
attitudes to sexualality-improved attitudes and celebrate lgbtq 

celebrity culture

Medium long shot
Davide bowie

The magazine uses a colour palet which consits of prurple,pink,blue,black,white. this saturated colour palet suggessts that the magazine is full of fun exiting and bright storys threw the saturated colour palet and the colour shows his progresseive ideas and shwos that he didnt care to break gender stereotypes.

The colour palet on this magazine is diffrent because it is none saturated and show its quite seriuous and proffetional unlike the other one where its more fun and bright colours.


  1. 5/9/23- Please complete the work that you missed this lesson, see my blog for help.

  2. 21/11- Where is your work from today Ruby, you did some amazing analysis. Is it on another page or has your upload failed?


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