
Showing posts from June, 2022

Shot composition

  Thursday 23rd June 2022 Lo: to understand the basic rules of shot composition Rule of thirds: Leading lines: Depth of field: Photographing people: looking room:  head room: leave space for the top of there head but not too much For this image we used a leaf for more effect and we zoomed in My favourite is the picture of caitlin sitting down and the leaf dangling
 Shrek Production stages To make the animations for shrek they used a tool called shapers   The animators where able to achieve Sophisticated facial  and body movements by applying hair body 


  Thursday 9th June 2022 The media offers the audience an interpretation of the world. It is a RE PRESENTATION of the events, people and places. Stereotypical A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy. NANNY: 50 year old lady nice looking after kids NURSE: Female who is nice or mean normally around 40 and wears a uniform TEENAGER: Grumpy, lazy and has an attitude ASTRONAUT: Fit physically, a boy who loves space FOOTBALL PLAYER: cares about career, boy, fit , bit of a player OPERA FAN: Rich, boring, cultured, fat, posh TEACHER: female, Strict, mean, shouts a lot, grumpy TATTOO LOVER: Emo, wears dark colours lik e black and is moody This advert challenges stereotypes by showing that nurses can be males and that you can be manly to be a nurse and we also said that nurses are seem as soft and caring therefore week but this advert is showing men who are rock climbing and surfing so that shows that they a