
Showing posts from September, 2021

Theoretical Framework

 Theoretical Framework   Thursday 30th September 2021 LO: to apply the theoretical Framework to media texts/ Media Language is : All the different elements used to construct any media product. Camera work-shot type angle and movement : Establishing shot/shows where the scene takes place. Wide shot/wide shot places people in the scene  Long shot/the shot shows the full body of the character the camera is on Medium long shot/you can see from there head to lower thigh   Medium shot/above the waist and finishes at head Medium close up/from mid chest to just above head Close up/at eye level and can see face you can see the characters motions as well Extreme close up shot/can only see eyes not the rest of the face  Camera angle: High angle is when the camera is high up and it normally shows weakness or vulnerability and when the camera is low it might show strength and power/authority  Sound track: includes all sound heard in a film/tv show/Music/sound effects/dialogue/voiceover Diegetic/is

Creating Meaning

  LO: To analyse texts using the correct  terminology       Thursday 23rd September                  Subject position: our subject position is everything thats goes to makeup what we are and where we fit in the world My subject position is 13 year old, white, straight, female, 5.5 feet, born in cornwall then moved to london for 7 years then moved back to cornwall Magazine cover: When people see this cover they ever think i love trump and i'm happy that he's  president and i like this magazine company even more and i want to buy more of what they produce. And if u dont like donald trump that much and you sore this magazine you would be really annoyed that he's president and now you might not want to buy another of these magazines cause they look like they support donald trump and his actions. Denotation: The dictionary definition Connotation: The deeper meaning-what we associate with the word 1. this Denotes a gun what is a metal weapon that has bullets in it and is used to

Media and me

  Media and Me  Thursday 23rd September My favorites: Music/my favorite band is chase Atlantic and i don't  really have a favorite  singer i have a thew.     TV shows/my favorite  tv show is the vampire Diaries because i like vampires  and fantasy genre   Films/my favorite films are ones that are not this era like ones in the 80s and world war 2    Game/i like to play Fortnite and minecraft and story games. Social Media/ i use instagram tik tok youtube and snapchat Why did i choose Media/ I chose Media because i want to learn how to edit and how to use media for youtube. is it what you thought it would be/ not yet because we have only done the starter sruff of how to learn how to do stuff. 

Lights Camera Action

  Lights Camera Action     Monday 20th September Disney Film Anagrams:   1                           2: Little Mermaid         3:                      4                 5: Snow white and the five dwarfs     6                            7: Aladin                              8:  Tarzan               9:                             10: Lion King  Spider man Far from home: Spider man far from home is directed  by Jon Watts and written by Chris McKenna. It was produced  by Kevin Feige, Amy Pascal and Victoria Alonso. The production companies in this film is Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, c  What Happens in the beginning,middle and at the end of the story: It stats in Spidermans home town in america and then the middle part him and his classmates go on a trip to venice (Italy) and then a creature attacks them and in the end his friend Mj finds out he is spiderman and then he gets in a relationship wit mj What are the most important things: That monsters attack but spider man saves the

What is Media

  Thursday 16th September    LO:to discuss what Media is and how it impacts out lives Different Medias↓ • social Media  • Newspapers  •  Apps  •  Websites  •  Emails  •  Blogs  •  Adverts  •  TV  •  Movies   • Magazines  •  Games